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Governor O'Malley re-launches MEDC
Governor Martin O’Malley last month presided over the official swearing-in of the Maryland Economic Development Commission (MEDC). The Commission will develop a 10-year strategic plan for Maryland’s economy, solicit input from businesses and provide recommendations to the Governor on issues impacting Maryland’s businesses. Click here for information.
UMBC ties Stanford in college ranking
State employers continue to have access to one of the brightest workforces in the nation. US News and World Report last month released rankings for its annual “America’s Best Colleges and Best Graduate Schools” editions and the University of Maryland Baltimore County now ranks first among up-and-coming national universities and is tied with Stanford for fourth most committed university to undergraduate teaching.READ MORE
"We’ve proactively sought the input and guidance from small business owners to address the current economic challenges they face, the barriers to job retention and growth, and the types of reform they need in order to thrive."
–Governor Martin O'Malley |
Small Business Task Force convenes
Two weeks ago, 14 diverse business owners from every corner of Maryland, and legislators and DBED officials convened for the Governor's Small Business Task Force at the Agency's offices in Baltimore. The group organized five committees focusing on: Regulatory, Workforce, Procurement, Access to Capital and Sustainability. Governor O'Malley created the Task Force to provide recommendations on how to improve State services to help Maryland’s small business community.
JHU invests $60M in space lab
Last month, Johns Hopkins University broke ground on a $60-million space research lab in Laurel. The building includes office space for 550 scientists, engineers and support staff who will create innovative space systems for NASA and other space-related Defense Department missions. Maryland is home to 16 of America’s top 25 space industry manufacturing and service companies, including the Goddard Space Center and the Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute. Click here for more information.
BRAC brings thousands of MD job opportunities
The State’s outreach efforts have helped to convince about 50% of the 30,000 employees affected by Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) to follow their jobs to Maryland, but there are still as many as 15,000 Department of Defense (DoD) jobs that must be filled in Maryland by September 15, 2011. These remaining DoD jobs and additional defense contractor and other mission support jobs provide outstanding career opportunities for the State's highly-skilled workforce. READ MORE
"This funding will have an immediate positive impact, helping to save and create jobs and keep ships – and the goods they carry – safe and moving in Maryland."
–Senator Barbara Mikulski
Two shipyards awarded $4M in ARRA funds
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced grants to two Maryland shipyards totaling more than $4 million as part of President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). General Ship Repair Corp. in Baltimore City received a $2.4 million grant to build a new 1,000-ton dry dock, which will bring an estimated 20 new employees. READ MORE
Reserve ad space for 2009 Doing Business in MD
With a readership of 25,000, this comprehensive guide to State resources and services is designed to attract businesses and create jobs. For more details about this unique Maryland marketing opportunity contact
Gail Clough at the Daily Record - 443-524-8135.
Baltimore celebrates heritage designation
On August 22, local Maryland officials celebrated Baltimore’s recent designation as a National Heritage Area, which provides up to $10 million in federal funding over 15 years for Baltimore’s historic and cultural attractions. Baltimore features such historical assets as Fort McHenry, the U.S.S. Constellation and the home of Frederick Douglass.
Maryland's Encore Path a Forbes semi-finalist
EncorePath, a Maryland Venture Fund investment and Baltimore-based company established to improve the quality of life for stroke survivors, is one of 20 semi-finalists in Forbes' national $100,000 Boost Your Business contest. The company recently was honored in June at the DBED-sponsored Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Awards. Click here to vote or learn more about Encore Path.
Save the Date: CSI 2009 Annual Conference
Computer Security Institute’s 36th annual fall conference October 24-30 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center just minutes from Washington, D.C. Designed for information security and IT professionals, the event attracts practitioners from more than 40 countries. Click here for more information and to register. MORE EVENTS