S E P T E M B E R. 9, .2 0 0 9

"This funding will have an immediate positive impact, helping to save and create jobs and keep ships – and the goods they carry – safe and moving
in Maryland."
–Senator Barbara Mikulski



Two shipyards awarded $4M in ARRA funds
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced grants to two Maryland shipyards totaling more than $4 million as part of President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). General Ship Repair Corp. in Baltimore City received a $2.4 million grant to build a new 1,000-ton dry dock, which will bring an estimated 20 new employees.

Baltimore's Ellicott Dredges LLC, the largest dredge builder in the United States, was awarded $1.7 million. The company will use the funds to upgrade the facility, including IT and other mechanical systems, helping it to retain 20 jobs and create five new jobs in the next year. Click here for more information.

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