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RedOwl a finalist in RSA’s Innovation Sandbox
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CyberMaryland heads to RSA 2014
Maryland’s Director of Cyber Development, Jeffrey Wells, will lead the CyberMaryland delegation at RSA 2014, the nation’s premier information security conference, in San Francisco February 24-27, to promote the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, bwtech@umbc, Maryland cybersecurity companies, and other state assets. The annual event, which draws nearly 20,000 attendees, features renowned speakers and exhibits by some 300 of the world’s leading cyber companies. Follow CyberMaryland on Facebook or @CyberMaryland on Twitter for news from CyberMaryland at RSA.
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RedOwl Analytics among RSA’s Innovation Sandbox finalists
RedOwl Analytics, headquartered in Baltimore, has been selected as one of 10 finalists in the Innovation Sandbox being held during RSA Conference 2014. The company developed Reveal, a software application that uses behavioral analytics to detect patterns and anomalies in a company’s data and deter insider threats. The RedOwl team will demonstrate Reveal to the Innovation Sandbox's judges on Monday, February 24. One company will be selected as the "Most Innovative Company at RSA Conference 2014".
University of Maryland’s MC2 fuels pipeline of cyber workers
The Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2) gives students – as early as middle school – a head start on cyber careers. A joint venture between the A. James Clark School of Engineering and the College of Computational, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland, MC2 offers programs, workshops and other activities to help students develop their cyber skills and learn how to apply those skills in the industry. Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES), the Honors College Program, the Cybersecurity Scholars Research Experience for Undergraduates, and the Cybersecurity Club offer educational, research and teamwork opportunities to supplement undergraduate concentrations in cybersecurity.
NIST, State and Montgomery Co. partner on NCCoE
On February 18, U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski, Acting Undersecretary of Commerce Dr. Patrick Gallagher, Governor Martin O'Malley, and Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett signed a Partnership Intermediary Agreement to further develop the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE). The agreement expands on a Memorandum of Understanding that established the NCCoE in 2012. A priority recommendation outlined in CyberMaryland: Epicenter for Information Security and Innovation, released by Governor O'Malley in 2010, the Center is a public-private partnership to accelerate the broad adoption of integrated cybersecurity tools and technologies.
Cyber Roundtable creates new forum for cyber discussions
The Cyber Superiority Roundtable, a recommendation of Maryland's Federal Facilities Advisory Board, is bringing together industry, academia and government in a forum to bolster the state's position as the epicenter of cybersecurity. A steering committee, led by KEYW CEO Len Moodispaw, met earlier this month to begin laying the groundwork for the roundtable. The group will address such topics as ensuring curricula at Maryland's colleges and universities meet the needs of industry, encouraging graduates of those institutions to take jobs in Maryland's cyber sector, and nurturing startups and emerging cybersecurity companies.
President Obama nominates new leadership for U.S. Cyber Command
The Cyber Superiority Roundtable, a recommendation of Maryland's Federal Facilities Advisory Board, is bringing together industry, academia and government in a forum to bolster the state's position as the epicenter of cybersecurity. A steering committee, led by KEYW CEO Len Moodispaw, met earlier this month to begin laying the groundwork for the roundtable. The group will address such topics as ensuring curricula at Maryland's colleges and universities meet the needs of industry, encouraging graduates of those institutions to take jobs in Maryland's cyber sector, and nurturing startups and emerging cybersecurity companies.