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Professional, biz services adds 2,800 jobs
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MD ranked more innovative than any country
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State boasts 43,000+ clean jobs in 2010
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Merritt Breaks Ground on New Green Building
Department Assistant Secretary Dominick Murray (left) helped to break ground this week on Merritt Properties’ Schilling Green II, a four-story, 75,000 SF office building and single-story annex in Hunt Valley. The building’s first tenant will be EA Engineering, Science and Technology, which will move their headquarters and consolidate more than 200 employees from three Baltimore County locations and one in York, Pa. The estimated $27 million project is slated for LEED Platinum certification from the U.S. Green Building Council and includes future ecotoxicology and biology testing laboratories next to the headquarters.
MD Ranked More Innovative than any Country
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation released a 2011 report measuring each of the 50 states against 44 foreign countries and regions and found that nine states, including Maryland, would be ranked number one in innovation-based competitiveness if they were countries. The report noted that Maryland benefited from national laboratory funding and state programs to help transfer technology from labs into the marketplace. The study considered 16 key indicators, such as scientists and engineers, corporate and government R&D, and venture capital. Complete Report.
Economy Continues Recovery from Recession
Maryland continues to climb out of the Great Recession, according to statistics from the current fiscal year. Despite losing 14,600 nonfarm jobs (seasonally adjusted), the state’s labor force boasts 21,700 more employed people and first time unemployment claims are down 11% over the previous fiscal year. At 7%, Maryland’s unemployment rate is down 0.4% compared to June 2010. Several other Maryland economic indicators improved during the year, including the state’s real estate, household income and fiscal health. Read more...
Nine Companies Make Black Enterprise 100
Black Enterprise magazine selected nine Maryland companies for its 2011 list of the largest African-American-owned corporations in the United States. The nine Maryland companies generated $1.5 billion in revenues and employed more than 2,000 people in 2010. RLJ Development, a hotel development and investment firm in Bethesda, topped the list of Maryland companies at #6. Radio One in Lanham is #13 on the list and 1 Source Consulting in Germantown is #17 this year. Only two states have more companies on the list than Maryland. Read more...
Brookings: MD Clean Jobs 43,000+ in 2010
A new study, “Sizing the Clean Economy: A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment” helps to more clearly define and measure the clean economy. Maryland had 43,207 clean jobs in 2010, or 1.7% of all Maryland jobs, according to the report released by the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings. Between 2003 and 2010 Maryland added 8,370 clean jobs to see the sector grow by 3.1% annually. On average, each clean economy job in Maryland produces $9,143 in exports, and pays a median annual wage of $44,790. Report | State profiles
Maryland Employment Steady in June
Maryland virtually stayed in place and matched the nation’s own stable growth rate losing 300 jobs in June. Professional and business services gained 2,800 jobs with 1,600 of those in professional, scientific and technical services for 0.7% growth, compared to a national rate of 0.3%. Maryland also added 3,500 state and local government jobs. Administrative support and waste management services added 1,200 jobs, for a 0.8% growth, 9th fastest in the country. The rapid growth could indicate increased demand for area temporary workers. Read more...
State Among Top Five Growth Performers
Maryland ranks fifth among states as a top growth performer, according to a recent U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Chamber Foundation report. The study identifies Maryland as a center for high-end professional and technical services, with a strong orientation toward STEM fields. The report noted Maryland has focused its resources on revitalizing a tough economy by supporting jobs in technology, defense systems and health sciences with programs such as the Small Business Credit Recovery Program, Maryland Made Easy and Invest Maryland.