OTD Presents the 2019 Tourism Awards at MTTS
The 2019 Maryland Tourism Awards were presented at the 39th Annual Maryland Tourism & Travel Summit in Allegany County. The awards, given by the Maryland Department of Commerce Office of Tourism Development (OTD) and the Maryland Tourism Development Board (MTDB), recognize excellence and major contributions in expanding the market of Maryland tourism products, maximizing opportunities to generate overnight stays, leveraging partnerships, and showcasing Maryland as an exciting, must-see tourism destination.
"Tourism is a very important Maryland industry, and it provides significant economic impact for our state,” said Assistant Secretary for Commerce Tom Riford. “I am honored to help present the 2019 Maryland Tourism Awards, which recognize the outstanding accomplishments of our tourism partners who support the collective mission of increasing visitor spending in Maryland.” The awards were presented in four categories. Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot Counties won the Market Expansion Award for their joint project, "Maryland’s Tastiest Catch.” The Town of Leonardtown, The Friends of St. Clement’s Island & Piney Point Museums, and Visit St. Mary’s MD were given the Maximizing Opportunities Award for their work in expanding the popular Potomac Jazz & Seafood Festival. The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce won the Transactionable Outcomes Award for their successful “3-2-1 Lodging & Activity Program.” And the Leveraging Partnerships Award went to the 18 Eastern Shore towns and their partners that produced the “Eat.Drink.Buy Art Campaign.” Congratulations to all of the winners and nominees.
The Leveraging Partnerships Award went to the "Eat.Drink.Buy Art" campaign. Pictured, left to right: Jim Meyer, OTD; Liz Fitzsimmons, OTD; Mindie Burgoyne, Maryland Department of Commerce; Lisa Challenger, Worcester County Tourism; Tom Riford, Maryland Department of Commerce; Judy Bixler, Chair, Maryland Tourism Development Board. |
National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Accepting Site Applications
In September, OTD launched its marketing initiative touting Maryland as the Most Powerful Underground Railroad Storytelling Destination in the World. One of the measurables to support this statement is that Maryland has more National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom sites than any other state. A program of the National Park Service, the Network to Freedom coordinates preservation and education efforts nationwide and integrates local historical places, museums, and interpretive programs. Historic sites must have a verifiable connection to the Underground Railroad; must have educational and interpretive programs that pertain to the Underground Railroad; and facilities must be either research, educational or interpretive centers. The next round of applications for the Network to Freedom are due January 15, 2020. If you are interested in more information about applying to the program, please contact Heather Ersts at hersts@visitmaryland.org or 410-767-6974.
Rich Gilbert Receives Award from OMCA
OTD's Rich Gilbert, Travel Trade Manager, was recently awarded the 2019 Volunteer Award of Distinction by the Ontario Motorcoach Association (OMCA) at their annual Marketplace. "I was honored and appreciative to receive special recognition at the Ontario Motorcoach Association Marketplace," said Gilbert. "Receiving recognition for providing a few hours of mentoring to new attendees and supporting our industry associations over the years is very humbling."
OTD’s Matthew Scales Leads Maryland PR Delegation to Toronto
As part of our continued efforts to expand Maryland’s international tourism footprint, OTD has been running a full court press to increase brand awareness in the lucrative Canadian market. As part of these efforts, Matthew Scales, Public Relations Specialist, OTD, helped organize a Canadian marketing mission to Toronto to meet with numerous publishers and writers. Scales was joined by representatives of Visit Baltimore and Visit Annapolis & Anne Arundel County. Special attention was paid to promoting Maryland’s Harriet Tubman and Underground Railroad tourism assets and their connection to Canada, with Canadian press representatives taking in a screening of the film “Harriet.”
Pictured, left to right: Susan Seifried, Destination Expert for International Media & Internal Communications, Visit Annapolis & Anne Arundel County; Jessie Walker, Public Relations Manager, Visit Baltimore; and Matthew Scales, Public Relations Specialist, OTD of the Maryland PR delegation meet with representatives of Reach Global.
CRUSA German Media Fam Visits Baltimore and Annapolis
Preparing for 2020’s “Year of the Woman,” OTD and our DMO partners joined Capital Region USA (CRUSA) in welcoming a “Remarkable Women in the Capital Region” fam tour for German media. The fam was a natural synergy of CRUSA and Maryland’s continued efforts to promote Maryland in Germany, a prime target market, and promotions for the upcoming year-long celebration of women’s history and future.
Pictured: Chef Brigitte Bledsoe, Corporate Executive Chef, Miss Shirley’s (standing, top left) welcomes the German media fam to Miss Shirley’s Inner Harbor location.
Chesapeake Bay Storytellers Training: Save-the-Date
The Maryland Office of Tourism (OTD) invites water-based tour providers on the Chesapeake Bay to become a
recognized Chesapeake Bay Storyteller through a free training opportunity. OTD is partnering with the National
Park Service to deliver training sessions that provide an opportunity for tour providers such as watermen and
women, paddle trip leaders, sailing tour providers and others to grow their businesses. Tour businesses will
develop or enhance an existing program that will be marketed by OTD following the training. The
goals of the training are private sector business growth, increased access to the Bay for visitors and increased
Bay stewardship. Three training sessions at different locations are offered that include fascinating information
about the Bay, presentation skills, and best practices for tour businesses. Tour businesses will receive a stipend
to help defray costs of participation. Registration information is forthcoming. Interested participants should save
all dates at one location. Training locations and dates are as follows:
- Masonville Cove, Baltimore: Tuesdays through Thursdays, January 28 – 30, February 4 – 6, and February 7
- Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons: Saturdays, February 15, 22, 29 and March 7, 14, 21, 28
- Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, Grasonville: Tuesdays through Thursdays, March 3 – 5, 10 – 12 and 17
For more information, please contact Anne Kyle.
Promote Your Event with 'Maryland Mondays' Ticket Giveaway
How can OTD help spread the word about your attraction or event? "Maryland Mondays" is the perfect way to help us help you. Each Monday, OTD launches a new “Maryland Mondays” ticket give-away program across all of our social media channels, consumer newsletter, and weekly “Maryland Minute” radio spots. Combined, these channels reach thousands of potential customers each week. To find out how to get involved by providing tickets to your attraction for an upcoming "Maryland Mondays," email OTD’s Matthew Scales.
Maryland Minute
Each week, the Maryland Minute provides highlights and insights on this weekend’s events around the state. Maryland Minute is featured on Entercom radio stations in Baltimore and Washington, D.C., WERQ and on Baltimore’s WBAL-AM 1090.